It’s going to be a weird Mother’s day this year.
For a lot of reasons.
The most obvious, not having my Mother (z”l) here for the first time ever on Mother’s day. I’m having trouble with all the Mother’s day ads and TV promotions showing happy Mom’s and their families. It’s just too soon for me. Understandable, but still a big cloud over my day.
The second reason: My children have all abandoned me.
Oh woe is me. My fabulous, wonderful, considerate, thoughtful, amazing, kein ayin hara poo poo poo children have abandoned me to lead their independent lives.
What’s up with that?
Seriously though, I’m thrilled that they are all where they are supposed to be and doing the stuff they should be doing. Really.
How can I, their mother, be even remotely upset when just two weeks ago every single one of them dropped everything they were doing and came together as a family to be at my Mother’s (their Bubbie) levaya and shiva. I was blown away by their thoughtfulness, compassion and sadness.
Given all that…Mother’s Day is going to be weird.
In my early years as a Mom, I was woken up to the sound of the smoke detector as Dear Husband attempted to “assist” in the making of the traditional Mother’s Day Omelette. In later years, Dear Daughter (who is in learning at seminary in Israel this year – YAY!) made the most awesome version, and not a single peep from the smoke detector was heard. The boys are in other cities. Other Dear Daughter will be at a Shabbaton. Sigh.
None of the kids will be here. Happy for them, sad for me.
I’m still saying Kaddish for my Mother 3 times a day. It means getting up incredibly early. Every. Single. Morning. I could not be a guy.
That being said, maybe it’s just as well they’re not here. Seriously, can you picture it?
“Happy Mother’s Day Mom…here’s your…banana. We couldn’t get up early enough to make your egg. Have a happy day.”
So…in the interest of YOUR Happy Mother’s Day I’m going to do a recipe roundup of some wonderful recipes that your families can make you for Mother’s day…or that you can make for your Mom.
#1 The Mother’s Day Breakfast/Omelette Blog – Written by guest writers: The Matten Kids
#2 Kosher Everyday Mother’s Day Blintzes
#3 Kosher Everyday Blueberry or Chocolate Chip Homemade Pancakes
#4 Kosher Everyday Homemade Gluten Free Bagels
#5 Kosher Everyday Hot Chocolate Popcorn
#6 Kosher Everyday Homemade Soft Pretzels & Jerry’s Minestrone Soup
#7 Kosher Everyday & Cooking Light Plum Kuchen
#8 Kosher Everyday A Dozen Corned Beef Roses
#9 Kosher Everyday Fresh Spinach Fettuccine with Low-fat Smoked Salmon Alfredo Sauce
#10 Everyday Gluten Free Spinach, Mushroom & Swiss Egg White Stackers (and a MOVIE!)
Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Mom…you’ll be here in my heart.
Faigie says
Hi! Very sorry to hear about your mom.
Thanks for all of those recipes, they look delicious!
Sharon Matten says
Thanks Faige! Please let me know when you try them and how they turn out!
Judith Imergoot Ginsberg says
I’m so very sorry to hear of your loss. Time does heal but you will always miss your mom.
Sharon Matten says
Thank you.