I’m here to help your Sukkot planning!!!! I always use disposables during Sukkot. Always. The thought of someone dropping china dishes and shattering them all over my Sukkah floor is enough to give me the shakes for days!!! Now, I always use nice disposables that look like real china, or at least pretty darn close. It’s one of the reasons that I stopped and gaped at the Sophistiplate display at this years International Housewares Show (here in hometown Chicago!). They are GORGEOUS! And disposable. And reasonably priced.
You can get this awesome dinnerware by entering the Sophistiplate Sukkot 2017 giveaway, or you can order your own directly at www.sophistiplate.com using promo code KOSHEREVERYDAY to get a whopping 20% off your order!!!
You can find out more about Sophistiplate in my Passover giveaway post: Sophistiplate Elegeant Tableware Giveaway
The moment you’ve all been waiting for…TA DA!!!
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