I’ve always had a massive love of baking.
The more fun, interesting, or challenging the recipe, the more I want to make it. For many years I even worked as a personal pastry chef, and relished the mastering of new and exciting skills with a lot of enthusiasm.
When Gourmet Kitchenworks (www.gourmetkitchenworks.com) contacted me to work with them I said, “Heck Yes!!!!”. My family looked at me with curious amusement as I danced around my kitchen.
The funny part is that I already had a lot of the products that Gourmet Kitchenworks carries from companies like Gefu and Silikomart. It is really a privilege to work with them.
I also officially have a coupon code I can share with you: KSHREVRYDY for 20% off your entire purchase at www.gourmetkitchenworks.com . AND… as a bonus, when you purchase any Gefu chopper, you get a free Spiral Cutter Rosli as well. HOW COOL IS THAT??!!!
Here’s what’s in it for me (besides the love of the products).
Yes, I do get a small percentage of each sale made with the code – that’s how this works. More importantly I get to tell you about super products I really believe in, and get to feed my family at the same time. Win/Win for everyone!
So…moving on…
After some discussion, Gourmet Kitchenworks sent me some of their brand spankin’ new bread molds. As the self-proclaimed Gluten Free Challah Queen, I knew that having really really great silicone molds to make gluten free challah would be a huge win for gluten free challah bakers throughout the land.
I tried them.
WOW. Just WOW!
I even made a video. Actually a few videos. One is kind of long. Like 15 minutes long. Really informative, but long. Then I decided to just cut the heck out of it and now it’s exactly 2 minutes long. That’s a lot of cutting. You’re welcome.
Here’s the video. After you see the Gluten Free Honey Oat Challahs that came out, I think you’ll be as excited as I am.
Here are the products shown in the video:
Back to where we started.
As an additional bonus, here are some of my absolute favorite Gefu products. Seriously. Ask anyone. I am so madly in love with these products that I think sometimes Dear Husband is jealous. Ok – so maybe that’s a little exaggeration. However, the truth is that long before my affiliation with GKW, I owned these products, gave them as gifts, and encouraged new brides to register for them.
That’s the truth.
And everyone knows, I never lie.
So…moving on…
My absolute two favorite Gefu products:

The Spirelli is the BEST SPRIALIZER EVER! When people ask me which sprializer I use this is the one I recommend. It even comes in an XL version which is even better and faster. There is a little pusher tool that comes with it, that actually works! It pushes the vegetable completely into the tool so there is very little waste. It is super sharp, and works incredibly. Really.
In conclusion…
Take a trip to www.gourmetkitchenworks.com , check out their awesome products, then use the coupon code KSHREVRYDY for 20% off.
I’d love to hear what your favorite Gefu or Silikomart products are. There are way more that I love…check out future posts here, on Facebook, or on Instagram/IGTV.
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